Deciding Pension Prophet Muhammad cartoonist

Kurt Westergaard, a cartoonist of the Prophet Mohammed from the Danish state is saying that he would soon retire after working in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten for 25 years. This statement is expressed after his office became the target plan of attack, although the culprit who numbered two people were arrested.

Some time ago, shocking the world with the work of Westergaard cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad caricatures. Various parties, international community and especially the Islamic world and protested vehemently demos his caricature works deemed insulting Prophet Muhammad and wounded Muslims in the world. Media Jyllands-Posten had received threats, and a few months ago Westergaard almost become a victim of murder at his residence.

He hopes that the temperature of the tensions between Danes and Muslim world can be eased after he made this his retirement decision.

Kurt Westergaard

Tags: Neo International
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