Make Cell phone battery for durability

1. Turn off the phone when not in use.
Turn off the phone when not in use is the most easily and effectively. Of course, these tips do not apply if you have to standby, waiting for calls at any time. However, you can use these tips if it is in place, bad signal quality where the phone has to work harder to find a signal so that more wasteful batteries. Just turn off the phone for a while, because if you receive a phone call is usually to Falter.

2. Using ringtone tone instead of vibration.
Vibrating tone consume more power than a ringing tone. If you do not want others disturbed, you can adjust the ringing tone volume on the lowest level that can still be heard.

3. Turn off the other functions that are not being you need, such as infrared, bluetooth, and wifi.
All these functions take the battery if it is activated. You can also save battery power by turning off the backlight. Of course this can only be done during the day or in a place that has a light enough, because if not, you can not see the display screen.

4. Telephone conversations as efficiently as possible.
The phone is not designed to converse in a long time because it quickly drain battery power
Tags: Cell Phone Tips
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