For two days, they exchange ideas, increase the added value, find solutions, exchange ideas, experiences to face the challenge of bringing forth a joint communique future development of the online world.
"The number of participants beyond expectations. Two times the initial target. We're happy to bring the activist blogs from various cities," said Purwoko, secretary of bloggers sharing Solo event, Sunday, June 6, 2010.
The bloggers used the opportunity to meet for discussions, gain knowledge from experts to seek solutions to barriers they hadapi.Termasuk bloggers sharing successful experiences.
Setyo Nursidman, chairman of the committee expressed Solo Bloggers sharing, at least there are two categories of bloggers. First they are creating blogs for expressing ideas, thoughts and experiences to vent. The second category, the blogger who makes these media for branding on a variety of their creative product.
For those who make the blog as a forum for expressing ideas, a number of obstacles ahead. Indra of Communities Blogger Lumpia disclose to update the post. Providence bloggers Angingmamiri Makassar also admitted the difficulty to consistently update the content. "Problem writing or to remain active writing still be obstacles. Often run out of ideas," said Fate.
Providence Statement diamini Setyo, bloggers Bengawan. According to him, many bloggers are constrained to always update the content. "Frankly sometimes confusing to write anything," said Setyo.
Different constraints experienced bloggers oriented branding. "Usually they are weak in English," he said.
Uncle Tyo, senior blogger trying to find a way out by sharing his experiences writing on his blog. "Ngebloglah when excited. We love the atmosphere. To do something when the mood will be more easily pleased," he said.
Solo bloggers sharing committee, in addition to invited bloggers to exchange experiences and gain knowledge from the senior source, is also taken to see a solo tour.
Like Sunday afternoon, the organizers of the Solo community of bloggers, to facilitate the participants to see the process of making batik in Laweyan, the Solo River railing with rubber boats, puppets and keris-making process in the Square. "We hope they can write of this event, and market exotica Solo," said Chief Setyo Nursidman.
Community bloggers who comes among other bloggers community Angingmamiri, Makasar, Banyumas Blogger, Beblog (Bekasi Blogger), Deblogger (Depok), Community Blogger Mojokerto, Blogger community Lumpia, Malhikdua Semarang, Maluku Community Blogger, Blogger Ngawi, Pendekar Tidar Magelang, Community Plat M, Sampang, Madura, Communities and Community bloggers Langsat HI Jakarta, Himatika ISTP, Cah Andong Jogja, Community Blogger Warok Ponorogo, Community Blog Bogor, Pekanbaru Sorcerer Community, Mojokerto, Batam and others.