In the sexy Paris Hilton ad was, paris wearing a black short dress, appeared to be licking the grit and rub-a Brazilian-made beers Devassa branded into his body, while some people watch through the window, curious look denghan sekxi Ad Paris Hilton video? Please see the Youtube Video Sexy - Paris Hilton Ad below.
Many Brazilian beer ads showing women wearing bikinis, but on the beach, where bikinis are worn fair. "Problems in the ad (Paris), it is not about the clothes she wears, but because of sensuality," said Eduardo Correia, a spokeswoman Conar, told the AP last week.
Devassa beer ad, entitled Bem Loura (Very Blond in English) and aired on the internet shows Paris wearing lingerie and high heels, while displaying advertisements on supermarket Paris wearing a short black dress.
Here are excerpts from the news VIVAnews
Sexy Show, Paris Hilton Pulled Beer Ad
Paris Hilton considered to be very tempting in the ad.
Paris Hilton make a controversy with his new ad. In Brazil's production of beer ads, Paris to look sexy and seductive. The appearance of those ads directly drawn protests from the Brazilian Ministry of Women Affairs. They consider the ad belittles women.
After the talks, parties finally agreed to the advertiser when the ad was withdrawn from circulation.
Beer commercial starring Paris considered too highlight artist blond sexiness. In the ad, Paris was in a building. With long hair loose, she appeared very tempting when taking a beer in the fridge. After that, the beer is rubbed into the body-rub that uses clothing that was slightly open.